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  1. Mandy & Bill says:

    十分感恩找到Raymond作我們的證婚律師. 他溫文有禮, 準時, 專業,細心, 我知我沒有找錯人, 他是十分出色.
    當日Raymond 比原定早到, 但我們正式能開始的時間遲了半小時, Raymond 沒有不耐煩也沒有不悅的態度, 開始前還細心簡報一次, 當中還提到掀頭紗時要注意的地方, 真的很細心. 當我開始宣讀誓言時那段誓詞實在太感動, 我哭起來, 說不出話, Raymond叫在場親友鼓掌支持我, 我才可以帶得著感恩的眼淚完成宣讀. 真的十分謝謝你. Raymond 並不是喜愛搞笑那一款; 他說話很得體,簡潔也能帶動一種很裝重又充滿溫馨的氣氛, 這正正配合我的需要. 他的笑容是十分真誠的, 外表也很得體 :>
    謝謝你!! 最後想讚多一樣, 我完了婚禮後他還有給我短訊祝福我, 很窩心呢!!

  2. Karen & Eric says:

    Raymond is one of the best Civil Celebrants I have ever seen. He is eloquent and very presentable. And at the same time, brought some humor to the group. I would say he makes the atmosphere just right! Not boring and not too funny :)

    Most importantly is he gave me lots of support. Before the wedding day, he made sure I wouldn’t be too nervous by briefing me the procedure again and calming me down :)

    Raymond – i hope to see you again and again in my friends’ weddings!!!

  3. Cherry&Leo says:

    婚禮後記(四) – 晚宴証婚律師 (推~)

  4. Guest says:

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